We take the privacy of your data seriously. Read on for details of how we handle your data.
Data collected on this website: If you contact us using the contact form on the site there’s a tick box to show you consent to me storing your contact details so I can get in touch.
GoDaddy hosts the website for us, if you enable cookies these will be used to remember the pages you have visited to give you a smoother experience, but may be accessed by the GoDaddy team. RjD insight Ltd does not keep any individual cookie data.
Marketing: We don’t have a mailing list for marketing. On rare occassions we may contact you directly if we think we could partner with you for a project or to identify a particular research, in these instances we will use publicly available information. We won’t pass your details onto anyone else without your expressed permission beforehand.
Client data: We store the necessary information required to contact and invoice you if you are a client. This may include your contact name, postal address, email address and phone number. This data is stored password protected.
Company data: Occassionally clients share with us data about their organisation. These are stored on a password protected servers (not always in the UK). We will keep hold of this data only for the length of the contract or for the period you provide in writing for us to retain this information.
Your right to access and delete your data: You are welcome at any point to request the data we store on you and to ask us to remove it. Simply contact me on contact@rjdinsight.co.uk
This site is hosted by godaddy.com who use cookies – small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. For more information about how they use cookies, please visit their Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy.
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